The percentage of English Language Learners in schools is growing rapidly. Especially in Florida, it is extremely unlikely that a classroom will be made up of students who all are native English speakers. Because of this, it is essential that educators have strategies in place that will help them provide meaningful educational experiences to English Language Learners. There are a variety of educational technology tools that can help support ELL students, while also enhancing the education experience for all students. ELL students and families can feel supported and welcomed when efforts are made to translate important information into their native language. This allows parents who may not speak English the opportunity to stay involved in their child's education, which should always be a goal. Google Translate is a good way to facilitate this, both with printed letters and homework instructions, as well as widgets on a classroom website (see sidebar). Below is a podcast of some resources that are helpful to ELL students.
Your use of Audioboo shows how yet another tech tool can enhance learning for all and/or focus on assisting the auditory learners who often miss out in our 'visual' classrooms! Isn't technology (when appropriately used!) amazing? Nice reflection in the content, as well! :)